SEED is a global partnership for action on sustainable development and the inclusive green economy supporting innovative small and growing enterprises. The SEED Uganda Hub was established in 2019 to increase collaboration with local partners and enterprises, and to bring new innovations to our engagement. The SEED Uganda Hub is hosted by Finding XY. Finding XY provides business development support to Seed enterprises, in addition to building partnerships.
The SEED programme supports enterprises across sectors that generate positive environmental, social and economic impacts. These eco-inclusive enterprises stimulate sustainable development to reduce poverty and combat environmental degradation. The small and growing enterprises that we work with at SEED lead our global transition to a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable green economy.
SEED has been supporting the growth of eco-inclusive MSMEs in Uganda since 2010, promoting locally-led private sector contributions to green growth and job creation. The programme has worked with over 100 enterprises and start-up teams, and provided toolified enterprise support training to more than 55 Business Development Support providers. Enterprise Support programmes directly assist individual enterprises at multiple levels of business development – from the early stages of inspiration and concept-building to scaling up or the replication of proven, successful eco-inclusive business models in other geographical locations.
The enterprises that are supported by Seed combat environmental degradation and pioneer business models based on environmental sustainability and the creation of responsible products, services and value chains. These sectors include:
- Biodiversity
- Green energy
- Green Technologies
- Sustainable agriculture
- Waste management
- Water, sanitation and Health (WASH)
Expected outcome:
- 7000 Direct jobs created by SEED-supported enterprises
- 320 Business Development Support Advisors trained & active on our BDS+ Platform
- 3000 Stakeholders participated in SEED Events to champion eco-inclusive entrepreneurship